December 29, 2021
Cultivating Businesses
The Red River Regional Council has the potential to create a licensed commercial kitchen and incubator space on Hill Avenue in Grafton. North Valley and the City of Grafton are partners working alongside us to develop this project while we are still cultivating other local and regional partners.
A shared-use commercial kitchen is a licensed commercial kitchen that can be rented by people who are developing their food businesses, used for food classes, or rented by people or organizations in the community. People who want to meet state regulations and licensing for food sales could get that certification – and – people who want to develop their business ideas could get coaching and assistance. This is a space that offers technical assistance and business development programming so that local entrepreneurs can launch and grow their businesses and creative people, ideas, and community can gather.
Currently, there is a 80% federal grant opportunity for renovations & equipment/furnishings due Jan 31, 2022.
We want to know what you think!
Please take a few minutes to respond to this survey, and please share the link with others you know!
For more information on this look below: