Moving Ideas to Actions
Building Businesses
Transforming Communities
Creating a Better Future
As five independent organizations, we are working together to help Region IV in northeastern North Dakota (Grand Forks, Nelson, Pembina and Walsh Counties) prosper and grow.
The Red River Regional Council is an independent quasi-governmental consulting group assisting local governments, business owners, homeowners, landowners, healthcare providers, and educational institutions in solving problems, creating holistic solutions, and planning.
The Red River Regional Council provides contracted professional services to the Nelson, Pembina and Walsh County Job Development Authorities (JDAs). Each JDA is governed by its own Board of Directors.
The Red River Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is governed by its own Board of Directors. Its purpose is to seeks ways to aggregate needs and solutions to bring more funding and more development to the region.
Areas we provide support in:
- Funding Development
- Project Development & Management
- Grant Writing & Management
- Financing, Finance Strategy & Packaging
- Business Consulting
- Research
Seeking Applicants for Nelson County JDA Director Position
532 Hill Business Incubator Moving Forward
Agenda 10-16-2024
State of the Region Recap
What is Destination Red River Region?